Woman with broken arm after car accident signing documents

Our Skilled Car Accident Lawyers Share Essential Steps to Build a Winning Claim for Car Accident Compensation

If you were injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you may expect their insurance company to treat you fairly and pay you the compensation you deserve for your injuries under Georgia law. Unfortunately, many victims discover that the insurance adjuster disputes their claim, delays settling their claim, and tries to deny it or pay them less damages in their settlement.

The steps you take after the auto collision are vital to protecting your rights and building a strong claim for compensation. The experienced Atlanta car accident lawyer at Rechtman & Spevak can assist you in taking the proper steps and will aggressively advocate for your right to compensation for your injuries in your settlement with the at-fault motorist's insurance company. 

Why Following the Right Steps Matters to Your Claim for Injuries After an Atlanta Car Accident

If you have never been hurt in a car accident, you may not realize how important your actions after the collision can help or weaken your claim for compensation. So, suddenly discovering that the negligent driver's insurance company disputes your injury claim can be shocking—especially if you know you weren’t to blame for the crash. 

Our knowledgeable car accident lawyers understand the complexities of these cases and the bad-faith strategies the insurance company may employ to try not to pay you. We can help you be methodical and take strategic steps to build a winning case. We’re dedicated to advocating for your right to a fair settlement to enable you to recover from your injuries and move on in your life. Here are three reasons why taking the correct actions will strengthen your claim.

Building a Strong Case

If you want to obtain the full value of your claim, you must establish a case immediately after the collision. From crash site evidence to detailed medical bills, a well-documented case strengthens your position during negotiations with insurance companies and in court if necessary.

Avoiding Disputes with the Insurance Company

Make no mistake: an insurance company is a for-profit business. One way it boosts the bottom line is to dispute victims' claims and delay settling them. You might experience many tactics designed to either discourage you from pursuing a claim or accepting a low-ball settlement offer.  

However, there are many ways to minimize or even avoid disputes with an insurance adjuster. By following the correct procedures, you can present a compelling case that may leave little room for disagreement regarding liability or the extent of your damages.

Having Evidence to Refute the Insurance Company's Arguments

Even if you have a solid case against the negligent driver who caused your injuries, their insurance company could try to reduce your claim by debating the severity of your injuries or suggesting you were partially or completely at fault for the incident. However, by taking the essential actions our experienced legal team recommends, you can refute their arguments and strengthen your position for fair compensation.

9 Crucial Steps to Take After an Atlanta Car Accident

You have the burden of proving the cause of your car accident, the seriousness of your injuries, and the economic and non-economic damages resulting from the crash. Here’s what our dedicated legal team advises to prove your case and strengthen your claim:

  1. Call the police. Summon law enforcement to the crash scene to ensure that an official police report is filed. The police report contains important information, such as details about how the collision occurred, who was at fault, and whether any traffic tickets were issued. If your car accident was in Atlanta, you can find out how to order the police report online or in person at the Atlanta Police Department Central Records Unit website.
  2. Seek immediate medical care. Request emergency medical personnel to the scene as well. Even if you don't initially feel injured, some conditions may not manifest symptoms right away, and delaying treatment could worsen your condition or give the insurance company ammunition to dispute what caused your injuries or how severe they are. Create evidence of your crash-related health right away.
  3. Obtain the other driver's contact info. Exchanging contact and insurance information with the at-fault motorist is vital for filing a claim and communicating with their insurance company.
  4. Take photos. Document the accident scene, including vehicle damages, road conditions, any relevant signage or traffic signals, and your injuries. These visuals help recreate the events leading up to the accident and prove the other driver was the negligent party.
  5. Get witnesses' contact information. This isn’t always easy to do, but witness statements can corroborate your version of events and provide invaluable support for your claim.
  6. Notify your insurance company. Report the collision to your insurer as soon as possible. Initially, you’re not filing a claim, but this process helps protect your right to file a claim under your auto insurance policy if necessary.
  7. Avoid talking to the driver's insurance company. Don't discuss the accident with the at-fault party’s insurance company until you've consulted an attorney. Anything you say could be used against you. Additionally, an adjuster might attempt to persuade you to agree to give them access to all your medical records, give a recorded statement, or do something else that provides them with ammunition to deny your claim. It’s best to let your lawyer handle insurer communications on your behalf.
  8. Don't post on social media about the incident. Avoid discussing the crash or your injuries on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, and others. Insurance adjusters may scrutinize your posts for evidence to undermine your claim.
  9. Retain a lawyer. One of the most important initial steps you should take is to hire a knowledgeable car accident lawyer who understands Georgia's car accident laws and will protect your rights throughout the claims process.

Why Not Taking These Steps Might Affect Your Car Accident Claim

Will you ruin your case if you don’t follow all the steps our experienced car accident lawyers recommend? No. You have a right to file a personal injury claim after an incident due to someone else’s negligence. However, missing important actions—such as not getting medical attention right away or not adhering to recommended treatment—could weaken your case and potentially result in less compensation than you actually deserve. 

At Rechtman & Spevak, we have strategies to help you establish a strong case, even if you weren’t able to follow all the recommended actions. Here’s what our skilled legal team can do in your pursuit to obtain the economic and non-economic damages you’re entitled to under Georgia law.

  • We collect the evidence you need. Our attorneys thoroughly investigate how your accident happened, determine who was to blame, gather relevant documentation—such as the collision's surveillance footage, medical documents, and wage loss documentation—and any additional evidence needed to support your claim.
  • We obtain witness statements. Our legal team reviews your account and the police report to interview eyewitnesses and have them sign detailed statements about how the car accident occurred to strengthen your case and provide corroborating evidence. It’s essential to get statements from these witnesses soon after the crash before they disappear or their memories fade.
  • We pursue all avenues of compensation. We identify all liable parties and avenues of compensation, including your auto insurance coverage. This might help you receive the maximum financial recovery allowed if the negligent driver is uninsured or underinsured.
  • We can hire expert witnesses. If necessary, we enlist the assistance of accident reconstruction specialists, medical professionals, and other experts to provide testimony supporting your claim.
  • We negotiate your settlement. Our lawyers skillfully negotiate with insurance companies to pursue a fair settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries and damages.
  • We can litigate your case. If the insurer doesn’t offer a reasonable settlement or the claim’s statute of limitations expires soon, attorney Jaret Spevak is prepared to litigate your case in court. He advocates vigorously on your behalf and will present your case to a jury trial if this is in your best interests.
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